Holiday Self Care Guide


November 18, 2021

With the Holiday season fast approaching, there is no time like the present to begin your self-care journey. As much as we all have been waiting for taking some time off to be with loved ones, we can’t help but feel anxious and overwhelmed in this time of the year. It is crucial to have a self-care routine for this period and have it stick for the upcoming year. If you don’t know where to start, we’re here to give you some tips.

1. Give yourself some love

Let us all repeat this phrase together: “Self-love is NOT Self-ish”

It’s true that the Holidays are all about spreading love and being there for each-other, but how about being there for yourself, first? Remember, one of the most important steps in airplane safety instructions, is to “Be sure to put your mask on before helping others”. How can you give love to others when your tank is empty?

2. Take some me-time

Although being around others can be great and fulfilling, not having time set aside for some alone time with yourself may lead you to feel overwhelmed and overworked. It doesn’t have to be a long spa day or a full-day hiking trip (although they both sound good, don’t they?) it can be as simple as taking a bath or a quick walk first thing in the morning. A lot of busy moms like to get up before everyone else in the house to have some time by themselves! Try that next time, pour yourself a cup coffee or tea and enjoy it while slowly sipping. Or, try staying up a bit longer after everyone else goes to bed, have a glass of wine and watch your favourite TV show (that’s always fun!)

3. Buy yourself a gift

Holidays are the perfect excuse to treat yourself to something nice. You deserve a great gift just like every single person you’re shopping for, and the best part is that you know what you want better than anyone else! Go ahead, buy that item you have had your mind on all year! You know you deserve every penny, so take yourself out for shopping and put that gift under your Christmas tree, let that be a reminder of how much you love yourself.